Nhova Galera
5 min readApr 6, 2021

‘‘I am resigning’’. For me it is a sign of an end and a beginning. It takes me a lot of time, courage and guts to inform and tell to my supervisor at work that I am resigning.

I graduated my senior high school on 2019 and start working the month after my graduation. I went in Baguio City to find a job. Guts, courage and faith, are the only things I brought with me. It might wonder you why I started working instead of taking my chosen degree in a university. Well, it seems like things doesn’t go as it supposed to be.

Working was not easy, but thinking of my reason why I am doing this, gets things a lot easier. Also, I am having fun on it, that’s why I love my work so much. On January 2020, I was already thinking of getting back at school since my colleagues at work are encouraging me to do so, they said that I am a smart kid, diligent and has a big future and I can get farther things than working at a young age when I go back to school. But it was not easy, because I was about to get a promotion for my outstanding performance. “These encouragements are my go-signals” I said at the back of my head, “Promotion or my dream career?’’ I keep praying that resigning would be a good decision. “To follow thy heart is to follow thy dreams” they say, they are right I guess, how would I know if it is a right decision if I am not going to try?

Months of waiting answers are over! A very big news landed all over the world! The pandemic! For me, it is an answer. We were not allowed to go outside nor go at work back then, So I stayed at my apartment and things at work are getting worst, the company is running out of manpower and is about to shut down. Spending my time alone during the pandemic made me think thousand of times of getting back at school and resigning at work. Finally! This is it! I wake up the next morning and call my supervisor, saying “I am resigning”, though it takes a lot of conversation and between us for me to stay but I stand still on my decision. I resigned.

I thought pandemic and economical crisis would end already on the month of June or July that year, then everything would go back to normal and of course! the CLASSES! but the heavens are seems like they are not allowing us yet! But I still enrolled to the University of the Cordilleras in Baguio City and take my chosen academic program.

First day of schools supposed to be meeting your classmates, teachers, knowing the university policies and the likes. Instead, we met our classmates through different social media platforms. Thus, instead of books, we got an educational app and online books, instead of performing in front of the class, we posts our activities online. Cellphones, laptops and internet became the medium of this new kind of education and online meeting became the new set up class discussion — an unexpected replacement of our traditional classroom set ups. How I missed it so bad being a typical student in a normal classes. It was not easy. Everyone are not yet used to it, studying alone? through online? no, it was the worst! I thought.

But then, although I just met my classmates through online, I managed to make friends, talk and have fun with them. We also decided to meet one another every after exams. I thought online class would go worst, but through the help I give and get from them, things got lighter. We help one another for us to understand the lesson, we give updates to one another, we taught one another. Unity it is. How blessed I am to help them and how joyful I am to be helped by them. It was beyond my expectation to have friends and a mere family through online despite of the distances and no personal interactions.

Our first semester is a test for me, sometimes it made me think, if my decision was right. Who would expect that my doubt from the beginning will bring me now to another semester? Now that we are about to end this second semester, patience and being diligent is all that matters. This semester brought me to a next level of myself. New subjects and new experience! It made me to become more resourceful, artistic, bolder, and modesty of showing of what I can do.

And to be honest, this online class makes me, as a student, stronger in mind, wiser, and courageous. I am able to have lot of time for my family and for myself. It helps me to bind again with them. Stronger in mind, in the sense that I had to have a positive mindset for me to be able to finish all my assignments and to analyze and learn everything on my own. It makes me wiser because when things get complicated, especially when I don’t understand a thing in my class, I will make a way to make things understandable, I used a lot of means to study, memorize and train my mind in this online class. And of course! It makes me courageous. We all know that a lot of students right now tends to not attend online meetings or classes, not to enroll and some are even thinking to end everything. This distress that pandemic brought everyone into a difficulty is a nightmare. So I chose to be strong, I chose to be courageous in taking my degree on this unpredictable situation of our society and I chose to have fun while learning and bring all the burdens behind.

Online class is new to everyone and so do I. But not everyone are able to escape the distress and stress that this pandemic brought. I am proud of my self that the decision I made a year ago was a right decision, it is a milestone for me of taking a step near to my dream career, ending my beloved work to start building my future. And Hi! My name is Nhova Galera, leaving you a message “Resign from being a coward, start taking steps! Just do it and Break a leg!”

